Leather Body Chain Harness III

Tulossa arv.: 07.03.2025

Hinta: 85,90 €

Tilapäisesti loppu. Anna sähköpostiosoitteesi niin kerromme sinulle kun tuotetta on taas saatavilla.

Toimituskulut 6,95 €
Toimittaja: Erotiikkakauppa.fi
Väri: Musta
Miehelle vai Naiselle?: Miehille

This enticing chest harness will wrap your partner in leather and metal for an exciting look and exotic feel.

Featuring multiple points of adjustment, this harness is designed to adorn his chest and add to the look and feel of your next bondage scene. A D-ring at the front and back allow you to attach ropes, leashes, or restraints for more bondage possibilities-

  • Color. Black
  • Suitable for all sizes S to XL
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