Pretty Love Hedy Masturbator Vagina

Tulossa arv.: 31.03.2025

Hinta: 35,90 €45,90 €

Alin hinta 30 päivän sisällä ennen kampanjan alkua: 45,90 €

Tilapäisesti loppu. Anna sähköpostiosoitteesi niin kerromme sinulle kun tuotetta on taas saatavilla.

Toimituskulut 6,95 €
Liukuvoidetyyppi / Suositeltu liukuvoide: Vesipohjainen
Miehelle vai Naiselle?: Miehille

Tight pussy concealed in a hard plastic pearlescent finish case with real feel superskin inner sleeve that has been moulded directly from a sporn star, for an incredibly lifelike vagina opening.

Inside the stroker has a series of ridges and pockets that create a delicious suction and pleasurable sensations that feel remarkably like the real thing. Use with a little water-based lubricant you'll wonder why you made do with your hand for so long! Take home a porn star experience today. 

  • Male masturbator
  • Vagina design 
  • Materials: Silicone, TPR and ABS 
  • Use of lubricant recommended
  • realistic sensations
  • Inner textured
  • Measurements: See picture 

Pretty Love manufactures products with high standards of quality. All products are designed in United States and have 1 year warranty on technical defects. Pleasure is assured!

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