Crazy Bull - Masturbator Water Skin - Vagina Style 4

Tulossa arv.: 31.03.2025

Hinta: 15,90 €

Tilapäisesti loppu. Anna sähköpostiosoitteesi niin kerromme sinulle kun tuotetta on taas saatavilla.

Toimituskulut 6,95 €
Väri: Skin
Miehelle vai Naiselle?: Miehille

Feel the amazing pleasure of masturbation as never before! This male masturbator is made with a special material that feels like real skin! Also, its inner tunnel is textured so its a real vagina but that it's not the best... this material is waterskin so if you wet it with some water's drops this masturbator will autolubricate for itself! 


  • Male masturbating sleeve
  • Design and texture: vagina  
  • Realistic sensations
  • Special material: Waterskin
  • Compact to transport everywhere in discreet way
  • Measurement: See picture 

The last and best in masturbation is already here!!

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