Metalhard Anal Plug Diamond Black Medium 7.62CM

Tulossa arv.: 07.03.2025

Hinta: 39,90 €

Tilapäisesti loppu. Anna sähköpostiosoitteesi niin kerromme sinulle kun tuotetta on taas saatavilla.

Toimituskulut 6,95 €
Väri: Musta
Miehelle vai Naiselle?: Molemmille

If you want to enjoy anal sex, you will value this exclusive piece made of Steel. This extraordinary plug made of polished steel with glass

It is characterized by;

  • Perfect for anal penetration in Women and Men.
  • Made of hypoallergenic steel.
  • Submersible, Suitable for the shower or Spa
  • Measurements / Total length / 7.62CM cms
  • Diameter: 3.3 cms
  • Case not included

Put it in hot or cold water for seconds, it will reach the ideal temperature in a matter of seconds.

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