Pipedram Extreme Toyz Tight Pussy & Ass Masturbator

Tulossa arv.: 07.03.2025

Hinta: 49,90 €61,88 €

Alin hinta 30 päivän sisällä ennen kampanjan alkua: 61,88 €

Tilapäisesti loppu. Anna sähköpostiosoitteesi niin kerromme sinulle kun tuotetta on taas saatavilla.

Toimituskulut 6,95 €
Toimittaja: Erotiikkakauppa.fi
Pituus: 15,2 cm
Pesu: Kuuma saippuavesi ja seksilelujen puhdistusaine
Sisämitta: 5 to 6 inches
Väri: Iho
Taipuisuus: Vähän
Miehelle vai Naiselle?: Miehille
Ominaisuudet: Squeezable Strokes
Materiaali: Realistic Feel
Koko: 15,2 cm

Get a TIGHT grip on your next stroking session with this incredible dual-density stroker! Experience the tightest, softest, most realistic masturbator on the market with the Tight Grip Dual-Density Squeezable Stroker. Made from our ultra-lifelike Fanta Flesh on the inside and our specially formulated Tight Grip TPR on the outside, this super soft stroking sleeve features a firm outer construction that allows you to get a tight grip and perfect squeeze every time. The ergonomic shape feels great in your hands and won’t get slippery or sticky, allowing you to get a perfect stroke even when your hands are lubed up!

Mind-blowing textures! Slide into the super-soft Fanta Flesh and enjoy intense stimulation, lifelike sensations, and explosive climaxes. The tunnel of the realistic sleeve is lined with canals, ribs, and tiny love nodules that tease and surround your cock with each stroke. The super-soft Fanta Flesh is velvety smooth on the inside, wraps around you like a second skin, and warms to your body heat.


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